Friday, 30 January 2009

Chris Andersons's "Free" is Expensive

Chris Anderson is coming to Malmö next week to talk about "Business by charging nothing". The organizers charge 1695 SEK for the event. That does not include VAT.

I'd might be able to sneak in for free, but I guess I'll just spend the evening at my office instead.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Articles I'd like to write but won't have time for, #1

"Yes, we Keynes: Greening social engineering in the post-liberal economy."

It's up to you, Rasmus!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Gästblogg hos Teracom om FRA och demokrati

Idag gästbloggar jag på statliga mediebolaget Teracoms medieblogg som i trea i raden efter kulturministern och ordföranden för Tidningsutgivarna. Mitt inlägg handlar om mytbildningen kring FRA-kampanjen och bloggbävningen och vad viral politik innebär för demokratin. Du läser inlägget här och berättar vad du tycker!

Sunday, 18 January 2009

I will be back: parental leave draws to an end

In February I will be back from a five month parental leave, and I solemnly do declare that I will update this blog more frequently!